My 3 Promises to You

01. I will never expect you to be something you’re not

The story of your own life, what brought you to this point and the people who came with you are far more significant than anything you’ll see in a magazine or on a wedding blog. I have no expectations; just be you, enjoy yourself.

02. I will never ask you to jump around

Just to say “hey, I’m on your side!”, I don’t expect you to run around like a kid for the sake of the camera and jump through hoops. Don’t get me wrong, everyone wants to have fun, but there is a distinct difference between spontaneity & an experience, and doing something purely for the sake of the camera. Both in how you spend your time, and how you will feel about that photo.

03: Your wedding album won’t be anything ordinary

It will be full of life, of the occasion it witnessed and of the people and memories which surrounded it. I don’t do ‘standard pose’ photos where you could just cut-and-paste the same couple out over and over again. Your photos will be “you”, and I believe your album will be the most personal piece of artwork you will ever own.

Happy Weddinging!